paradise lost bot flock

Tweeting John Milton's Paradise Lost forever

about paradise lost bot flock

What is the paradise lost bot flock?

The paradise lost bot flock is a flock of 12 twitter bots that each tweet one book of John Milton's epic poem, Paradise Lost.

The flock is implemented in Python and uses the rainbow mind machine library.

Each bot is given the entire contents of one book of Paradise Lost, and tweets the entire contents one line at a time.

For more information about bots and bot flocks, see

Find the bots on twitter at the paradise lost bot flock twitter list


Why build the paradise lost bot flock?

The paradise lost bot flock was built to help drown out some of the noise on Twitter, and to provide a juxtaposition of classic 17th century English poetry about the fall of Satan and Original Sin with the latest goings-on in the Twitter timeline.

Contact charlesreid1

@charlesreid1 is a full-time data engineer and part-time bot-wrangler working on the intersection of cloud computing and genomics at UC Santa Cruz.

Get in touch:

twitter (at)